

The Contribution of Topics to Register Variation in Web Documents

Social mobility profiles in older adulthood - Evidence from the Cognitive and Social Well-Being (CoSoWELL) project

Towards universal tendencies in register variation


Narratives of personal life events by older adults before and during the pandemic - First findings from the CoSoWELL corpus

Using canonical correlation to explore differences in the distribution of literacy and numeracy skills


Predicting loneliness

Optimism in time of the pandemic - Evidence from story-writing

Affect and adulthood

Individual differences in spelling proficiency as reflected by simultaneous EEG and eye-tracking

The chicken or the egg? The timeline for lexical and semantic effects in derived word recognition using simultaneous recording of EEG and eye-tracking

Just how weird is WEIRD literacy and numeracy? A comparative study of 32 countries


Reflections of loneliness in written life stories among older adults

When 'bug' creeps into memory - False memories and foreign-accented speech

The time course of lexical and semantic effects of complex word recognition - A combined EEG & eye-tracking study

Looking towards the future - Written narratives predict loneliness in older adults

Quantifications of morphological family size - Combining word embeddings with lexical decision in Russian

Generating online text types - A cluster analysis of predicted document embeddings

What an incorrect use of a character tells us about the organization of Chinese mental lexicon - A combined EEG & eye-tracking study

Orthographic representations and orthographic competition - The role of spelling errors in language processing

Language and lifelong learning


Orthographic representation in flux - A large-scale analysis of spelling errors of Finnish nominal compounds

The effect of morphological family size on response latency in a lexical decision task

Forty years of experience and counting

Unfolding events - The role of syntactic information in predictive processing during reading

A bottom-up analysis of sentence-initial DRDs in the Finnish Internet

It's all about the base - Age effects on morphological processing


Welfare bums or fellow humans - Discussing welfare provision to the poor in Suomi24 forum

Expanding Competition Space - The Influence of Foreign Accentedness on Lexical Competition

Aspects of expectation - The role of expectations in processing grammatical aspect during reading

The role of surprisal in processing grammatical aspect during reading

Visual world paradigm data - From preprocessing to nonlinear time-course analysis

Finnish Internet Parsebank- A web-crawled corpus of Finnish with syntactic analyses


Modeling cloze probabilities and selectional preferences with neural networks

Leksikaalinen aspekti suomen kielessä (Lexical aspect in Finnish)

#je suis Charlie --Anatomy of a Twitter discussion with mixed methods

Smooth distributional semantic memory and selectional preference

Syntactic profiles of emoticons in the Finnish Internet

A neural network model for selectional preference in simplex clauses

The role of expectations in processing event structures


Free speech doesn't mean careless talk!

Pupillometry as a window to real time processing of morphologically complex verbs

A step forward in the analysis of visual world eye-tracking data

Semantics or rules? Online processing of perfectivizing prefixes in Russian

The role of morpho-semantic information in processing Russian verbal aspect - Evidence from pupil dilation, fixation durations and reaction times

Emoticons as indices of adaptability in the Finnish Internet

Pupillometry as a window to real time processing of grammatical aspect in Russian

Grammatical aspect


Puudest läbi ja üle piirkonna - ambipositsioonide süntaktiline varieerumine eesti murretes


To choose a zero - Modeling subject expression in the 3rd person singular in Finnish conversation

The Relationship between form and meaning - Modelling semantic densities of English monomorphemic verbs

Paradigmatic levelling in English - The influence of phonological neighbours

Influences on perceived foreign accentedness - Acoustic distances and lexical neighborhoods

Lexical networks in action


Multiple valency frames - Towards a density-based network model

Dialectal data visualization and statistical manipulation with ggmap-package in emphR

Being a dative subject - Patterns, contextual properties and usage


Ilmisubjekti vai nolla? Syntaktisen variaation kontekstuaaliset piirteet tarkastelussa

Frequencies, distributions and statistical models

Building conceptual spaces - Modeling the Russian reflexive constructions (-emphsja) with random forests and clustering


A random forest model for contextually induced person marking strategies

From canon and monolith to clusters - A constructionist model of subjecthood

Voiko subjektiivisuutta mitata? (Can you measure subjectivity?)


Subject, subjecthood and subjectivity


Kategoriat, polysemia ja granulariteetti (Categories, polysemy and granularity)

Kategoriat, polysemia ja granulariteetti

From variation to system

Russian reflexive marker and the property domain

Reflexive space - A layered model for the Russian reflexive marker

Russian reflexive marker - A layered model and the property domain


Matalan frekvenssin konstruktiot ja salienttisuus (Low frequency constructions and saliency)

Matalan frekvenssin konstruktiot ja salienttisuus

Korpuslingvistiikasta ja korpuslingvistisistä metodeista (About corpus-linguistics and methods)

Korpuslingvistiikasta ja korpuslingvistisistä metodeista

Tapaus venäjän kielen refleksiiviverbi (Some aspects of the Russian reflexive verbs

Tapaus venäjän kielen refleksiiviverbi (About the Russian reflexive verbs)

Remarks on Russian reflexive verbs - Schemacity and prototype